Useful links to help with the petition on Price Gouging

Prof. Karim Meeran

Create a publicly owned manufacturer for off-patent, generic drugs in the UK. This will allow the NHS to makes its own drugs cheaply.

Click below for

One solution is to have an NHS version of Civica. Civica is a non-profit charity based in the US which makes generic drugs in the US, and its principles are ones that we should follow within the NHS, where the service is free at the point of use. The savings would very quickly reach the taxpayer and would also have the economies of scale that the NHS could offer.

Details can be seen in this excellent NEJM editorial: [[ NEJM July 2021 ]]

The key principles are:

  1. No one owns the company. In the UK, the NHS or the state could take on this responsibility.
  2. Everyone would be charged the same price and there would be no special deals.
  3. The purchasers of the products would become the funders of the company. In the UK, the NHS would have both roles, minimising cost and maximising efficiency
  4. The principles of competition should remain, so that there will be several companies making these generics in competition with the charity.

[[ What is Price Gouging? ]]       [[ What happened to hydrocortisone pricing? ]]  

[[ YOUTUBE 30 minute grand round 17th Nov 2021 explaining the issue ]]  

Please help spread this petition. If you want to give a talk in your hospital, or to any patient groups, there are some powerpoint resources below.

[[ Slides from the 30 minute grand round above (pdf version) ]]  

[[ Slides from the 30 minute grand round(powerpoint version) ]]  

[[ Two minute YOUTUBE on insulin price gouging ]]   [[ Powerpoint ]]  

[[ Two minute YOUTUBE on lithium price gouging ]]   [[ Powerpoint ]]  

[[ ADSHG support for petition ]]  

[[ SFE support ]]  

[[ AMEND support ]]