How to clerk a patient

Traditionally, the long case allows you approximately an hour with a patient.

In that time, one should be able to obtain a full history and a full examination of the patient, including general inspection, specific examination of the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, the abdomen and a full neurological examination.

Examples of clerking - Case 1 [pdf] - Case 2 [pdf] - Case 3 [pdf]

Subsequently, you would need to present the patient in exam conditions in
about 10 - 15 minutes. The presentation should include a summary of the case and
a plan of investigation and treatment.


  • The history of the presenting complaint
  • The past medical history
  • Drugs (and allergies)
  • Social history
  • Family history
  • Cardiovascular
  • Respiratory
  • The abdomen
  • Neurological examination (upper and lower limbs as well as cranial nerves)

Having presented all the details above, please try NOT to end with, "That's it".
In addition, finally, give a summary of the case, and end with your plans for the patient.
The examiner will then ask you some questions about the patient.

Examples of case summaries

Examples of clerking - Case 1 [pdf] - Case 2 [pdf] - Case 3 [pdf]