Eleventh Annual pituitary Masterclass Mon 16th Sept 2024 .

Abstract submission instructions:

Clinical cases for Pituitary Masterclass: Call for cases (DEADLINE August 31st).

A. First download a copy of the Abstract submission template, and save your abstracts on your hard disk.
To download an abstract submission TEMPLATE, click here [THEN CLICK SAVE].

All clinical cases that illustrate the importance of a multidisciplinary team in the management of patients with pituitary disease will be considered. Abstracts will be selected as oral communications (there are no posters at this meeting). All presentations must be IN PERSON on the Charing Cross campus.

Please submit your abstract electronically by e-mailing it to: hammersmithabstracts@hotmail.co.uk :

Abstracts will be accepted until 5.00pm on August 31st 2024.

B. Preparation of your abstract
1. The title should be as brief as possible.
2. Abstracts should be as informative as possible. Provide units and reference ranges for hormone measurements. Do not use references.
• Statements such as ‘results will be discussed’, ‘data will be presented’ cannot be accepted.
3. The abstract should end with at least one question for disucussion.