Conducting a clinical examination

Prof. Karim Meeran

These web pages demonstrate, through description and videoclips, how you might examine patients. Please note that these methods are given only as examples of how such examination can be conducted.

Reading the text, and watching and listening to the videos, is not enough. You need to practise all of this on real patients. This is best done by getting another student to observe you while you carry out one of these examinations, and for that student to tell you what you forgot to do. Getting good at clinical examination requires a lot of practice.

Clinical competencies for year 3

How to clerk and present and write up a patient

Individual original videos of how to examine below:

Cardiology  |  Respiratory | Cranial nerve    |     Cranial nerve newer format (same videos)   

Neurological - Upper limbs - Lower limbs - Neuro tips - | Neurological Differential diagnosisx

Audio recordings of breath and heart soundsx

Click for Basic ECG interpretation               Click for youtube heart sound interpretation              

LINKS for YEAR 6 SJT questions