Cardiology Examination 4: Examine the neck for carotid pulse

  1. Observe for carotid pulsations.
  2. Place your fingers behind the patient's neck and compress the carotid artery on one side with your thumb at or below the level of the cricoid cartilage. Press firmly but not to the point of discomfort.
    Avoid compressing both sides a the same time
    . This could cut off the blood supply to the brain and cause syncope.
    Avoid compressing the carotid sinus higher up in the neck
    . This could lead to bradycardia and depressed blood pressure.
  3. Assess the following:
    • The amplitude of the pulse
    • The contour of the pulse wave
      - is it slow rising?
    • Variations in amplitude from beat to beat or with respiration.
  4. Repeat on the opposite side.
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